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Take This FREE 60-Second Quiz
To Find Out ”What’s Your Fatigue Type”
And What You Can do About it.
The Cocoon System arrived yesterday afternoon, I have just tried it and am pleasantly surprised by the feeling of wellbeing that remains now after two hours so far. Incidentally I do not enjoy normal saunas.
I suffer with arthritis in my hands, and back/hip pain after an 18 feet fall 5 years ago.
The Far Infrared Sauna Cocoon has been marvellous. My arthritis is much improved and It relieves the pain in my back/hip.
“Since 2004 Get Fitt TM have specialised in providing the latest Far Infrared technologies and offering personalised Detoxification Programmes. We work closely with doctors, healthcare professionals, clinics and the public in the United Kingdom, and Worldwide. We create detoxification programmes using the latest Far Infrared and Environmental Technologies.”
Get Fitt run a number of training programmes and free events, where you can learn all about Far Infrared and also experience the treatment for yourself.
Download Review of the benefits of Waon (Far Infrared) Therapy (Japanese Association of Medical Sciences 2009). The review refers to Waon Therapy which uses a Far infrared ray dry sauna.
This review discusses the benefits of Far Infrared Therapy for: Heart Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, lifestyle related diseases, mild depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Download Review Review Conclusion
“An ideal therapy should be safe, free of side effects, and have high medical value, that is, a high effect/cost ratio. It should be non-invasive, and patients should feel better. Waon therapy fulfills all of these criteria. Waon therapy is an innovative and promising therapy for treating patients with intractable diseases such as CHF, PAD, COPD, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, mild depression, and CFS.”
Far Infrared Sauna Therapy is being included in detoxification programmes and has been used as a part of the detoxification protocol used for the 9/11 rescue workers who have become ill since being exposed to fumes and chemicals during their work. The programme was known as project ‘Olive Releaf’.
Infrared Sauna Therapy has also been used as a part of the detoxification therapy for Police Officers in Utah suffering from Chemical Exposures during their law enforcement activity. (Toxicol Ind Health 2012 Sep;28(8):758-68)
Far Infrared Sauna Treatment is also recommended by Dr Sherry Rogers in her book Detoxify or Die, which deals with the problems of environmental toxcity and how best to detoxify.
The World Health Organisation States in it’s 2012 report on Exposure to Toxic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals that:
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals have the capacity to interfere with tissue and organ development and function, and therefore they may alter susceptibility to different types of diseases throughout life. This is a global threat that needs to be resolved.
We are constantly exposed to a cocktail of chemicals, environmental pollutants and a host of toxic substances. A growing body of reports and research are verifying how this exposure is disrupting the body’s healthy function.
The general approach to illness is to treat symptoms. While such an approach may provide temporary relief ideally the root causes of our health problems should be addressed. Research is showing is that there is a common link between toxicity & chronic diseases, obesity and the increase in cancers. Traditionally, diet and exercise are considered the keys to good health.
We believe at Get Fitt that the body can repair and heal itself. The body should be doing so all the time.
We service our cars regularly to make sure they continue to work properly. Surely it would be sensible to take this approach with our body and
Good health is often a random affair and we rarely take action to ensure we stay healthy, until something goes wrong.
Our Far Infrared Sauna systems are easy to use at home or work, and have been used by many people all over the world as a part of their overall health programme. Our goal is to provide you with information and tools that may assist you to restore good health and to stay healthy.
Far Infrared Sauna Treatment is one of the detoxification procedures used in environmental Units in the USA. The lower temperature and deeper penetration of the FIR rays offers an extremely comfortable and efficient way to enjoy Far Infrared Thermal Treatment.
We are regularly ingesting all sorts of chemicals and these get stored in the body, often in the fatty tissues, organs and even in our bones. Unfortunately these manmade chemicals are super stable and do not breakdown easily.
Mark of Get Fitt™ Ltd was recently interviewed by Laura of Sign of the Times. Mark and Laura share their personal stories of how far infrared thermal treatment was a key tool in the battle with toxicity and helping to restore their health.